BUSI49108: Research Proposal Assignment Help
BUSI49108: This assignment constitutes an important requirement for the Master of Business Administration course at Nottingham Trent University. In this assessment for the Research Methods for Managers course, the student is required to develop a research proposal, which should be based on a specific research question. The student will be assessed on their ability to conduct secondary and primary data analysis, as well as their capacity for critical reflection on the procedure.
OAS offers a comprehensive array of services, resources, and solutions designed to support students throughout their academic journey. We take pride in delivering the best Master in Business Administration Assignment Help in UK by prioritizing student satisfaction, success, and well-being. In providing Bachelor in Business Management and Entrepreneurship Assignment Help, our experts have developed a comprehensive research proposal on the topic of the perspectives of female Nottingham Trent University master’s degree students in management about entrepreneurship.
Here, a brief foregrounding of the purpose and need of writing this research proposal has been outlined by OAS experts. Our experts have outlined how the research gap pertaining to the topic has led to the development of this research proposal.
Entrepreneurship is a multi-layered phenomenon. The tern entrepreneur has been defined as “an individual who establishes and manages a business for profit and growth” (Smith et al. 2020). However, entrepreneurship is more than just creation of business. It requires creation of an entrepreneur mindset amongst the students through development of right attitude and entrepreneur knowledge. Entrepreneurship is further recognised as an effective mean for creating jobs, enhancing competitiveness, and increasing productivity while improving the quality of life and helping the country to achieve its goals (Jena 2020). Entrepreneurship is also requires preparedness in context of realising or creating the opportunity. Within this, it is the intention towards entrepreneurial activity that predicts the behaviour along with other demographic or contextual factors. Attitude can be understood as habitual way of reacting to situations (Jena 2020). The term attitude represents inclination of an individual towards a given idea, institution, or an object.
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Research aim
This is followed by highlighting the research aim of this proposal. In providing BUSI49108 Research Proposal Assignment Help here, our experts have outlined the outcomes one hopes to attain by the project’s conclusion. This section is further divided into different sub-sections, some parts of which you can read below:
The current research will be undertaken for case company GoGetters to investigate through primary research about the attitudes of students pursuing Masters in Management towards entrepreneurship.
2.1 Research question
The research will answer the following research questions: What contextual factors influence the attitude of _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
2.2 Research objectives
The objectives of the research are:
- To understand how psychological factors influence the attitude of female students from Nottingham Trent University towards exploring entrepreneurship opportunities.
- To understand how contextual factor such as students’ motivations has an influence on the attitude of female students from Nottingham Trent University towards entrepreneurship opportunities.
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Literature review
Here, our experts have delved into the relevant studies and reports that conceptually underline the present research. Our experts provide Research Proposals Help UK online in this section by critically evaluating these scholarly resources with respect to the present research. This section is also divided into certain sub-sections:
3.1 Understanding entrepreneurial attitude
Study by Fenech et al. (2019), there are four dimensions of entrepreneurial attitude and these are, (1) need for achievement, (2) innovation, (3) self-esteem and (4) Personal control over behaviour. Innovation is about presenting new ideas products or services. Personal control over entrepreneurship is when individual tend to perceive control and have an influence of the creation of the venture’s outcome.
3.2 Theoretical underpinnings for understanding entrepreneurial attitude
Within literature there are several theories that aim to enhance the understanding of entrepreneurial attitude. These theories are: –
Theory of Planned behaviour: The theory of planned behaviour assumes entrepreneurial activity as planned behaviour since like other strategic decision entrepreneurship is also intentionally planned. The theory explains intention through formulation of subjective norms of individuals and their personal attitudes related to the behaviours as antecedents of the intention (Misoska et al. 2016). The theory is widely accepted and involves studying the intentional cognitive process involved.
We have provided only one of the theoretical frameworks related to this proposal. If you wish to read more, please feel free to mail us at onlineassignmentservices1@gmail.com.
Research Methodology
Lastly, suitable research methodologies and analytical approaches for addressing the research objectives have been identified in this section. In providing Nottingham Trent University School Assignment help here, our experts have supported the methods chosen here with justifiable evidence for the same. You can read 50% of the solution below:
The research design for the study will be designed using the research onion by Saunders et al. (2015).
4.1 Research philosophy
The first layer of research onion is research philosophy which is the belief with which research will be conducted. There are two major philosophies, one is ontological perspective and second is epistemological point of view. The term ontology is understood as “what” and “how” where in understanding the nature of reality and what we are able to understand.
4.2 Research approach
The research approach is the second layer of the research onion. This layer helps in making the decision in context of data collection and its analysis.
4.3 Research Strategy
The third layer of research onion is research strategy. This involves the complete research design. The current research study will adopt the research strategy of narrative inquiry.
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4.4 Research choice
The fourth layer of the research onion is the research choice. For the current research study the choice of method will be mono method research (Mukherjee 2019).
4.5 Time Horizon
Last layer of research onion is time horizon. This involves understanding about how many points in time the data will be collected.
4.6 Data Collection and Analysis
The data for this research will be collected from female students from Nottingham Trent University through qualitative interviews. Since there is direct source of information that will be used the choice of data collection will be primary. The primary 8 research method will involve female students only pursing masters in management as population. Through purposive sampling where in only female students pursuing Master in management from Nottingham university will be asked to participate, first 10 female students will be selected for interview (Alshenqeeti 2014).
4.7 Research ethics
Since the research involves human participation and getting in direct conversation with the participants, the research ethics will be well impended. The research participation of each of the participant will be with their consent and there will consent form signed. There will be no personal question or question that may harm participants psychologically or socially will be asked.
4.8 Time Scale
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