7-BSP-1355: Leadership and Management in International Business Portfolio Report Assignment Help


7-BSP-1355 Leadership and Management in International Business Portfolio Report Assignment Help



7-BSP-1355: This is a University of Hertfordshire Assignment for the Leadership and Management in International Business course, which requires the student to write a report based on the analysis of a case study revolving around InterstoWorld, a multi-national company based in the UK. The assessment requires the student to assess the abilities and qualities that a manager must possess to lead and manage people effectively in an international company and multi-cultural framework.


The purpose of the product provided by the company is to assist users in locating the most favorable exchange rates available in their local area. It is remarked that the company has had difficulty sustaining its performance in recent years, as a result of which a change in management is agreed upon by the company. Following this decision, the board of InterestoWorld is faced with a difficult decision to select the most appropriate candidate to lead the company. 



Our experts have conducted detailed in-depth research on the case study provided in the assessment file and developed a portfolio report highlighting the process of selecting a suitable candidate for the role of a leader for InterestoWorld. Our experts have ensured that the selection process proposed is supported by evidence from relevant theories and management concepts.

In this Portfolio Management assignment, the report is divided into two parts- 

Part 1 demands the student to select one candidate from the four leadership profiles provided in the task file and justify the same with proper leadership and management concepts. 

Part 2 of the solution is based on a self-reflection on the part of the student to assess their leadership profile and Personal action plan to achieve their aspired leadership roles. 


Part 1 


This part consists of the following sections: an Introduction, Selecting the candidate suitable for this leadership role, and an analysis of chosen candidate development areas. 




The solution begins by providing a short introduction to the case study and the portfolio report as well. You can read a snippet of the complete introduction below: 


InterestoWorld is a MNC and has successfully increased the business portfolio in the last 25 years. Beginning from currency exchange rates, the company has expanded business to understand customer needs of cryptocurrency and crowd funding. However, losses have been reported for the last two years. 


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Selecting the candidate suitable for this leadership role   


This section elaborates on the criteria that are used to select an appropriate candidate for the management of InterestoWorld. Here, our experts have proposed some tentative selections as well, which are further analyzed based on their development goals later. 


There are different leadership roles and responsibilities which are defined by Ronald (2014). For example, citing the work of Mumford, Ronald (2014) states that leadership can be defined as the pre-eminence of an individual in a group. Bass as cited by Ronald (2014) indicates that leadership is the individual effort made to change the behaviour of others. However, on the other hand, other definitions, such as interpersonal influence used to attain the goals are also presented. An important question has been presented by Mendenhall (2012) where the difference and similarities between leaders and global leaders are explored. It is here identified by Osland (2017) that global leadership is the process through which the thinking, attitudes and behaviour of a global community can be influenced. Further as explored by Beechler and Javidan (2007) there is a difference between leadership and global leadership in which the individuals, groups and organisations collectively contribute to achievement of organisational goals. Similarly, in the view of Adler (2006) it is observed that global leadership includes the ability to influence the thinking and attitudes of the people. 3Referring to the current problems which are faced by the selected company, the choice of the leader who appears to be suitable for the company is Carlos Tengku. Tengku as assessed through the case study notes represents a personality where the openness to new experiences is very high. He is ready to explore new ideas, and also questions the conventional ways in which things are done. This is directly related to the ability of this leader to ensure that people are able to handle their problems. Referring to the current problem of lack of sales in the company, selection of this leader would enable the company to look at the problem from different perspectives. This is also supported by the view of Northouse (2021) who states that in order to resolve the business issues, the abilities of the leader to present a new perspective to current problems is required.


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Analysing chosen candidate development areas  


Next, using the relevant theories of management and leadership in International Businesses like InterestoWorld, our experts have assessed the various candidates based on the development areas they focus on. 


Burns (2012) states that leadership is a trait and ability of the individuals can be developed using learning and training. It is explored that leadership can shift from one style to another while it may also be developed to suit the changing needs of the organisations and situations. Through the case study, transformational leadership from Dayton is clearly identified. It is shown that Dayton was successful, and has been able to transform the products and create a strong position of the company since his leadership style was majorly transformational. Cetin and Kinik (2015) explore the transformational leadership and shows how this form of leadership can be beneficial to the organisations. It is explored that transformational leadership succeeds since it has the ability to ensure that the transformation is undertaken through various methods. However, through the case analysis, one of the statements which is made about Carlos is about his style of leadership. It is quoted, ‘I am decisive. I do not get side-tracked by personal things, by people’s problems or their aspirations. I make decisions based on what people do, what they produce, how effective they are, the quality of their ideas’. From the case presented, it is clearly identified that Carlos appears to be a transactional leadership. Prochazka et al. (2018) present an analysis between transactional and transformational leadership in terms of traits and abilities. While transformational leadership is expected to be impactful as far as changes and development is concerned within the organisations Ghasabeh et al. (2015) also state that this type of leadership is effective in crisis and management of situations. While referring to transactional leadership, Arnold (2017) states that this form of leadership is important as far as the changes and tasks within the organisations are concerned. It leads to development of systems through which challenges can be overcome. 5However, referring to the four issues which have been described about the company, this report suggests that using a transformational leadership style as exhibited by Dayton has not been successful so far. But at the same time, it is also found that the company is severely undergoing issues and problems. In response to this the natural transactional style of leadership as adopted by Carlos seems questionable. 


At the same time, InterestoWorld is a global company and has presence in different locations. This means that a certain amount of cross-cultural leadership is also required. Hence situational leadership as explored by Nawaz and Khan (2016) remain a suitable approach to this situation. Building on the discussion presented above, it is observed that there are some changes which are required and some attributes which have to be developed in this form of leadership. Carlos needs to develop two more attributes which can help him in developing the leadership required to handle the situation. These are 

1) Situational leadership approach 

2) _________________________


7-BSP-1355 Development Plan Table


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Part 2  


The second part of this Portfolio consists of self-analysis and reflection to gain an understanding of the leadership styles used by the student in various professional situations, and the skills that the student will need to develop to achieve their aspirations related to leadership positions. 


Potter (2015) explains that reflective practice is an activity in which the past experience of the students. It is explores that reflective practice helps the students in collecting their experience. Through these activities strength can be used to deliver work efficiently. Reflection in learning is one of the most important elements of learning as per where it is narrated that reflection helps a learner identify the strengths and weaknesses. There are different models of reflection which can be applied to education and practice. One of the most effective models of reflection is the Gibbs model o reflection which has been applied to self-reflect in this assessment.  


Leadership Profile 


A leadership profile is designed to benefit the individuals by helping the learner create a strong understanding of leadership and examine the effectiveness of leadership. I believe that leadership profile is what an individual thinks about their own self, where I would be able to explore, to what extent I can be an effective leader. Northouse (2021) states that some of the traits of an effective leader are clear communications, confidence and decision making, leading by examples and team management.


Personal action plan


Through the discussion presented above, the need for improvement is clearly identified. It is observed that through assessments an individual can ascertain various skills and abilities while limitations are assessed. This is presented through the personal action plan, which has been constructed here. It has been derived from the self-assessment of skills, and weaknesses as collected from different sources. In addition to these different experiences which were collected through this course have also been included in this paper. 


7-BSP-1355 Skills to be improved Table


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