Transition to Nursing Practice Assignment Help in Australia - Online Assignment Services

Transition to Nursing Practice Assignment Help in Australia

Transitioning from a student to a graduate nurse in a professional setting is stressful and could easily lead to the breakdown of a lot of students who have recently stepped into the real-life experience of working as a nurse. Usually taught in the final year of the nursing course across Universities in Australia, it is one of the most important modules of nursing that helps graduating nurses develop skills and psychology that are essential to being a nurse in the professional setting.

Online Assignment Services has had years of experience in gathering knowledge of the industry, from the industry, by working for students who require nursing assignment help for different modules, especially ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’

Through our extensive experience of working with the module, we’ve gained a detailed insight into what the students and the universities require for this particular subject module and can provide high-quality work done from scratch. Read further to explore our extensive services, customised specially for the targeted module of ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’.


Our Solutions to Various Transition to Nursing Practice Assignments

Transitioning to nursing practice as a registered nurse is often difficult for students and causes a lot of distress among them. This module of ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’ helps and prepares graduating students for different situations such as what to expect, how to handle things on and off duty, how to lead, how to think critically, how to advocate, etc.

This subject module involves various assignments that contribute to the acquisition of these skills and more. They advocate the knowledge and competence of the students as graduate RNs. These assignments mainly include various case studies, reflection assignments, individual posters, summative quizzes, essays, discussion forum posts, etc.


Various types of assignment in Transition to Nursing Practice


Our experts at Online Assignment Services have extensive experience working on ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’ assignments for various Australian universities. Our holistic solutions can help you get high distinction grades in any assignment for the module which is usually a major cause of stress among international and domestic nursing students.


1. Case Study Assignments

Case study assignments are important for nursing students as they help in the development of their critical thinking attributes. It is one of the most important and mandatory skills required to be a qualified graduate nurse.

Students across universities in Australia often struggle to fulfil the objectives of these assignments due to various reasons like time boundation, busy schedules, and frequent submission requirements. For example, nursing students enrolled in NUR359 are required to submit a pharmacology portfolio. This portfolio is a collection of six individual case studies, each of which require students to undertake clinical decisions, think about drug interactions, and support their decisions with evidence-based literature.

Through the chosen case studies from the module, students are to review their knowledge of pharmacology and how it relates to their professional nursing practice. With a special focus on critical thinking, they are required to evaluate various topics under pharmacology. These topics are

Sl. No.TopicsDescription
1.PolypharmacyThrough case study on polypharmacy, graduating nurses learn how to handle situations that arise due to an increased risk of adverse drug events, inappropriate prescribing, and medication error.
2.COPDThrough this case study, students learn to work with patients that deal with a persistent obstruction of airflow due to smoking or other reasons.
3.AnaesthesiaIt is an important study of pharmacology as it helps in relieving pain and suffering of the patient by altering their consciousness.
4.EpilepsyStudents interested in seizure studies partake in this case study. Through it, they learn to effectively evaluate patients that deal with this chronic brain disorder.
5.AnticoagulationAnticoagulation is a study topic under pharmacology that focuses on the treatment of blood clot formation with suitable anticoagulant drugs. Through case studies on this, students learn about anticoagulant drugs in much more detail and with much more precision.
6.Duodenal UlcersDuodenal Ulcers are a part of broader category known as Peptic Ulcer. Students attempting this case study learn to evaluate its various treatment methods, drug relief, symptoms, and effects through this.
7.DepressionIt has been a critical study of pharmacology with an in-depth requirement of evaluation in not just the drug relief but also various other treatment methods. It requires exhaustive research and critical analysis to provide personalised solutions to the patients dealing with depression.
8.AnalgesiaCase studies on analgesia are mainly focused around the misuse of patient relief drugs and their side effects on the patients. These cases are a frequent occurence in professional practice and need to be analysed and answered with optimum critical precision.
9.DiureticsThe case studies on Diuretics commonly involve elderly people and others who deal with fluid buildup in the body. Students need to evaluate how the composition of various drugs works for patients and what are its side effects on patients of all age groups.
10.DigoxinDigoxin is used to treat patients with heart problems, like heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms. Case studies on these might also include treating heart pain and other heart-related problems
11.Lipid Lowering MedicationCase studies on this commonly involve problems related to cholesterol and heart health. Students are to evaluate the health of the patient in consideration of their medical history and prescribe medicine that is best suited to their treatment.
12.DiabetesDiabetes is a common problem among people of all age groups. It occurs due to high glucose in the bloodstream of the patient. After transitioning to nursing practice, students often encounter diabetic cases and thus are prepared through these case studies.
13.Palliative CarePalliative care is an important aspect of nursing in Australia. It helps students learn the most important aspect of nursing, i.e., person-centred care and evidence-based practice.

As industry experts, we at Online Assignment Services help students enrolled in NUR359, choose the case studies that would help them in further development of their knowledge and critical analysis abilities. With the holistic development of students in mind, we take care of their assignment details and provide solutions that are rich in the critical evaluation of drugs, in respect to particular pharmacology case study topics.

With extensive knowledge of medicines as well as the marking rubric objectives, our experts provide you solutions that holistically fulfils all the required criteria of a high distinction graded assignment!

We are well versed with Australian university guidelines and deliver authentic and original work that covers all the main aspects of the assignment objectives and aims with a clear critical analysis of the given study.


2. Reflection Assignments

Communication, critical and creative thinking, social interaction, clinical governance and ethics, and cultural competence are just a few attributes important to cultivate for a graduating nurse transitioning to nursing practice. These skills are the basic needs of a nurse to function in a stressful hospital environment and thus are especially focused on through reflective assignments done for the module ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’.

These assignments are important for the healthcare system as, through these reflective assignments, students learn to improve their ability to be more resilient and efficient to the constant changes and demands of the health sector. For example, students enrolled in NUR3020 are required to work on a reflective assignment regarding their experiences of having worked with a registered nurse whilst on clinical placement using Gibbs Reflective Cycle as a guide.

We understand how important evaluation of personal experience is for this assignment and thus approach it accordingly. We start the assignment by consulting the case scenario from the evaluation of the student’s personal experience. This makes their assignment more organic and authentic. Also, our experts undertake extensive research to refer to a variety of literary texts that highlight the experiences of diverse students in the professional setting and their experiences of working with RNs during their clinical placement. This gives a depth to the reflection being made and provides support to the analysis as well.

Through reflective assignments, students are required to introspect on their leadership qualities to improve and gain greater adaptation and resilience in their clinical practice once they graduate.

These assignments help students learn to reflect on the entirety of their persona including the skills mandatory to be a registered nurse, work-life balance, physical and mental health balance, and more. They help graduating nursing students to learn to comprehend various gaps in different aspects of healthcare systems, situations, as well as themselves in order to receive optimum results holistically.

Students generally feel apprehensive about attempting reflective assignments without any help. They are a crucial part of the ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’ module and, quite often, require insights from a third-person perspective.

We at Online Assignment Services understand the comprehensive importance of these assessments and help students evaluate their growth and learning. We develop the content for their assignments according to their judgements and experiences, while keeping in mind various objectives the assignment needs to fulfil.

We focus on extensive research and gathering insights to provide deliverables that thoroughly abide by the university and module guidelines, as well as help students evaluate their growth and position when they transition to nursing practice.


3. Individual Poster Assignments

Poster assignments act as a medium of learning and interacting with your understanding of a concept or topic to further enhance your comprehensive knowledge of it. These assignments are an excellent medium to additionally indulge with your assessment, especially in regards to the module “Transition to Nursing Practice”, to develop a clear understanding of its concepts and other requirements.

Through these assignments, you are expected to gain further knowledge in terms of nursing, clinical practices, research gaps, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Standards, etc.

Though it sounds like an easy assignment, students often fail to realise and meet its set objectives. They generally fail to present a poster that is authentic and original, as well as integrates their research topic well. It’s a common occurrence for students to present the assignment which is just an averagely written, common summary of their research.

Assignments for subjects like Nurs 3005 require students to address their area of practice and its issues through a poster presentation. They are expected to engage with a variety of peer reviewed journal articles that support their research instead of summarising it. Failing to do this negatively affects the marking rubric guidelines set by the university and results in low grades.

Our experts at Online Assignment Services are comprehensively trained in academic writing. After booking your assignment, our experts undergo stringent research that could benefit your poster content and provide strong analysis to the research. We condemn the practice of plagiarising the content and thus, provide content that is original, well-researched, analytical, and well-concluded.

To address and eliminate the common yet important issue of students generalising and summarising their content, our academic experts are trained rigorously in all the various aspects of academic writing, so you can get a complete error-free nursing assignment help with us.

At Online Assignment Services, we work on each assignment and module with utmost precision and attention to detail, so you can have a top-class work that highly supports your marking objectives and grades.


4. Summative Quiz

Summative quizzes are important as they enable the students to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of their subject matter. It helps them to assess the various theoretical knowledge of nursing and its standards.

It is an important integrated assignment of various universities for the module ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’. Through this, graduating nursing students can evaluate their understanding of the historical and contemporary role of nursing within the framework of the Australian Healthcare System.

For example, students enrolled in NRSG138 undertake an online quiz as an assessment that tests their knowledge and understanding of the role and responsibilities they will have to demonstrate once they transition to registered nurses.

Preparing for these can be a task, especially for international nursing students who find it difficult to manage their time between studies and work.

To help students with these assignment quizzes, we have writers who have extensive expertise in their field of study. They are briefed and have the knowledge of the subject matter at hand. Our experts provide you solutions for the quiz questions being asked, if the questions are provided before the commencement of the assessment. In case of real-time online quizzes, our experts even attempt your quiz assignment after the login information is provided by you. Our comprehensive solution to summative quiz assignments for the ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’ module also includes preparing students for the subject matter of these quizzes. We take grades seriously, and thus, provide holistic services to the students according to their needs.

Over the years, we’ve helped students prepare for their summative quizzes in nursing, enabling them to confidently perform in their assessment and get high distinction grades.

We, at Online Assignment Services, understand the burden of performing well, especially in the nursing sector. We not only focus on providing timely online assignment solutions, but also help you prepare for these and other assignments, and offer all-round services of assignment help in the Australian nursing sector.


5. Discussion Forum Post

Graduate registered nurses are expected to be skilled in group discussions and clinical reasoning skills as they are actively required to engage in the clinical decisions to be taken regarding different patients they have to care for in the future.

To develop and evaluate these necessary skills required by the graduating nursing students, they have to undertake assignments like Discussion Forum Post which showcases their ability to participate in forums when they transition to nursing practice

Subject courses under ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’ like NRSG367 have assessments like these that contribute to student’s preparation for when they become registered nurses. Under this particular subject course, students are to contribute to the discussion on the important role of graduate Registered Nurse. They have to answer a total of three questions that will be critical and helpful to prepare for when they start their clinical practice.

Communicating the details of every assignment is of utmost importance to us. For Discussion Forum Post assignments, we book the availability of our services based on the amounts of posts required by us. After thorough communication, we undertake your assignment and provide you with a solution to the question being asked to post on the forum. It is only after you provide us specific posts to critically analyse and comment on, that we start working on those.

Our experts are well-trained in critical reasoning and critical analysis skills, which are of utmost importance when attempting such kinds of assignments. And while we provide you with solutions to the assessment question, we also encourage students to provide their own viewpoint of their analysis so as to develop their critical reasoning skills under the guidance of our experts.

Most nursing students, generally, know how to engage themselves in the forum and make use of their critical reasoning skills, but often find it hard to articulate their thoughts in words that require a structure with a set word limit and guidelines.

Though not often, they also find it hard to express their thoughts with clear intent through their written speech.

Keeping in mind the importance and objectives of these Discussion Forum Post Assignments, we at Online Assignment Services, help nursing students form answers to this assignment’s questions along with the critical analysis of posts done by other nursing students.

These discussion questions are answered either directly by our experts or provided to you on demand, whichever is more suitable.


6. Essay Assignments

Online Assignment Services is known for its services regarding nursing assignment help in Australia. Our experts have comprehensive knowledge of nursing education in Australia and provide assignment solutions for all kinds of essay topics in the “Transition to Nursing Practice” module.

We understand well how essay assignments evaluate the writing and comprehension skills of nursing students, important for nursing interactions in real-life situations, as well as evaluate the understanding of their role and responsibilities as a graduate registered nurse in the Australian Healthcare System.

Like, in NRSG138, students are required to identify and discuss elements that involve nurses to act professionally in their role through a written essay assignment. They have to take on rigorous research and evaluation on the topic while also handling their training and other things.

Our experts at Online Assignment Services have been able to achieve the set objectives of the assignment by undertaking rigorous academic research about being professional in the Australian healthcare system. We completely understand the detailed university guidelines as well as the set guidelines of the essay assignments. With thorough understanding of the structure and analysis of the essay, we’ve been able to provide assignments that get high grade distinction.

As students are usually busy with their clinical placements and practice during their final year, working on their assignments has always been a matter of concern for them. And, though these assignments contribute to a better understanding of their professional role and responsibilities, they are also a major contributor to stress and ill health among nursing students.

Through our years of expertise in the field, we’ve been able to bridge this time constraint by providing timely quality assignments to students, done from scratch.

We understand the necessity for originality and authenticity of the nursing assignments that are required by the universities. We also have in-depth knowledge in the field of nursing and have been able to fulfil the set guidelines for the course, set by the professor(s) and the universities for all the transition to nursing practice assignments we’ve ever taken.

Our team of academic writers has been rigorously trained in the concerned subject in order to provide quality work to the students that scores a high distinction ranking.


Still confused? Read further to get a deeper insight into our services and work process!


A Comprehensive Guide on Booking with Us

Having extensive theoretical and acquired knowledge makes us an industry expert who has consistently been providing high distinction ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’ assignments to nursing students all over Australia.

We understand the various requirements of different universities for different assignments and strive to fulfil all the marking rubrics to the best of our abilities.

Unlike our extensive process of working on your assignment, booking your assignment with us is quite simple and transparent, so as to help students make a quick decision without wasting their time, while at the same time being confident in the work they will be presented with.


Comprehensive booking process knowledge for transition to nursing practice assignment


1. Contacting us through various modes of communication

You can contact us through our various communication channels according to your preference. Reach out to us through the chat box on our website: or,

Mail us at

You can also contact us via our WhatsApp number: +44 7956859420 / +44 7700174710 or,

Call us at +61 871501720.


2. Sending us all the required instructions and information

After reaching out to us, send us all the required instructions and information from the concerned coursebook and university guidelines, for us to assess the entirety of your project.

Through this, we would be able to get a comprehensive understanding of your required assignment without missing any necessary detail that otherwise gets lost in the conversations.


3. Discussing your nursing assignment with our support team

We have an expert support team who undergo a stringent training process to be able to provide you with the support services of utmost quality.

They are well equipped with all the necessary information required to discuss all your queries, provide you with clear solutions, and clear all your misunderstandings regarding any doubts you have.

Our support team stays in constant communication with you throughout the entire time it takes us to provide you with your transition to nursing practice assignments or other module assignments.


4. Discussing the quotation and negotiation

We provide quotations for different assignments based on their requirements and other aspects they entail. These quotations are unique to your particular assignment as we provide completely authentic and original work customised according to your assignment needs.

We also carry forward with negotiations based on these assignments and strive to create a scope for fulfilling the financial needs of both the parties, the writer and the student.


5. Payment Method

After all the discussions regarding the assignment and quotations, we’ll provide you with the payment gateway link where the payment has to be made.

We use international payment gateways like Razorpay that are recognised internationally in order to provide you with safe and secure means of payment.


6. Booking with us

As soon as the payment has been made, we book your assignment and assign our experts to start working on it.

We believe in quality work with timely delivery in order to provide you with time to revise the work and check its quality before you have to actually submit it.


7. Free justified revisions

We provide free justified revisions on demand in order to refine your assignment for top quality.

It is to be noted that only justified revisions are provided for free. Unjustified revision bears cost to it.

Justified revisions entail revising mistakes made from our side due to our negligence. Mistakes made due to the negligence of the customer come under unjustified revisions.


Still Wondering?

We’ve been able to provide top-notch assignment help services to nursing students and others all over Australia. Through our clear understanding of the students’ and university’s needs, we’ve been able to provide students with assignments that are marked with high distinction grades. 

Get a clear understanding of why to choose us!


We have an in-depth knowledge of various nursing modules like 'Transition to Nursing Practice'
Our dedicated support team is equipped with quality training and knowledge to resolve and discuss any academic-related query regarding your assignment
We construct your assignment around the module and university instructions as well as the marking rubric details
Free Turnitin report to showcase the similarity index of your nursing assignment
International payment gateways like Razorpay
Providing justified revisions of your assignment for free


Don’t hesitate to reach out to us in case of any queries!

Call us via our email or phone number to book your assignment for transition to nursing practice


Our support team is dedicated to providing you with solutions 24/7. Book with us now for quality nursing assignments of ‘Transition to Nursing Practice’ and more!