Fair Work Act 2009 Assignment Solution
- i) As per the Fair Work (Registered Organizations) Act 2009 (the RO Act), registered organization is either an association of employers or a union which can be regarded as an association of the employees. It can also be an enterprise association (1). The Fair Work Commission deals with the administration as well enforcement of accountability, efficient management of disputes as well as appeals of the registered organizations. The main frames of references propounded by Alan Fox find association with the underlying thinking of the submissions offered by the registered associations. While some of the submissions represent the employer rights, some others address the rights of the employees.
In the modern workplace relationships, employers are the fundamental actors and it can be regarded that the interest of the employers are in perfect alignment with the senior management, executives as well as the shareholders. On the other hand, the employees are the primary building blocks of the organizational settings.
(I.C. RS 3237)