EDEC202: Movement in Physical Education Essay Assignment Help - Online Assignment Services

EDEC202: Movement in Physical Education Essay Assignment Help

EDEC202: Movement in Physical Education Essay Assignment Help



EDEC202: For this Movement in Physical Education module at Excelsia College in Sydney, students are required to write an essay on the significance of play and physical activity and obesity prevention in young children. Many students face difficulty in completing this essay and so OAS comes to the rescue with high-quality EDEC202 Movement in Physical Education Essay Assignment Help to the students of Excelsia College seeking this Assignment help.



For this Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Assignment Help, our Ph.D. experts at Online Assignment Services helped the students address the question of the importance of play-based physical activity in the prevention of obesity in young children. Our experts helped by providing answers to various questions and building the answers with the help of academic literature referenced properly throughout the assignment.

As per the task file, the assessment is drawn specifically on the course readings provided as it is mentioned to be included as a priority. 

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Through this EDEC202 Movement in Physical Education Essay Assignment Help, our experts have written a comprehensive essay discussing the identification of relevant conservative and cost-effective interventions to promote better health outcomes among children. The first section of the essay is a brief overview of the idea of how Physical activity has been identified as one such intervention, which has become a preferred approach for obesity management among children in the school-going age groups.

Interested in reading more about the “​​importance of play-based physical activity” described? Wait no more, and call us at +61 871501720 today.


Question 1

The first question in this essay assignment asked why play is important to prevent obesity and our experts have professionally answered it with credible research attached. They have discussed Childhood obesity being a complex, multidimensional disease, wherein the imbalance in the intake and expenditure of calories is the fundamental underpinning of the pathology of this health condition.

Question 2

The second question in this Early Childhood essay assignment help offered by our experts was about what Braithwaite (2014) says about sociocultural theory. Our professionals managed to discuss this research paper thoroughly and answered it by explaining how the environment of the child plays a key role in facilitating adequate physical activity in the child’s life from the early years.

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Question 3

The third question in the essay assignment clears What Braithwaite (2014) says about teaching strategies educators can use to introduce physical activity? Our experts managed to explain thoroughly that while the first daily mat strategy provided the opportunity for supervised and goal-oriented play for children, the second outdoor play strategy enabled children to plan and implement goal-setting and self-regulated play.

Question 4

In this next question, our experts explain the difference between considering exercise as a medicine or as a vaccine and why the student believes the “vaccine view” is important. They explained how exercise as a vaccine is a more cost and resource-effective approach and the preventive effect is also more long-lasting compared to the curative effect, which also strengthens the argument for exercise as a vaccine, as advocated by Chen (2012).

Question 5

The fifth question discusses the student’s view on being an educator and helping children and parents develop healthy habits (healthy eating, physical activity, etc…). Our experts approached this question with three key methods to promote health habits. This strategy encourages accountability and responsibility-taking behavior among children, which will facilitate better decision-making capacity among them in the long term.


Lastly, in the essay, our experts conclude with the student’s reflection on how this essay played a crucial role in their learning journey. Additionally, it was concluded that learning about the socio-cultural theory also helped the student learn the importance of collaboration with families and parents since they are a direct component of the child’s environment.

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