EBP107: Evidence-Based Practice Article Summary Assignment Help - Online Assignment Services

EBP107: Evidence-Based Practice Article Summary Assignment Help

Buy EBP107 Evidence-Based Practice article summary assignment help in Australia with OAS.



 EBP107: For this course – Evidence-Based Practice at Torrens University, Australia students are required to work on a Journal Article Summary assessment that demonstrates their understanding of good quality research evidence as well as elaborates on their ability to locate a research article in healthcare.

For this Evidence-Based Practice article assignment, students are required to work in two parts, an Article Summary and an Article Retrieval.

For the Article Summary of this nursing assignment, students are required to choose a research topic out of the 5 provided and undertake a summary and analysis of the selected article using the given question.

For Article Retrieval, students are required to demonstrate their search process for the research article.

Read below to know how we helped students with HD grade quality Evidence-Based Practice article summary assignment help in Australia.



 For this Evidence-Based Nursing assignment help, our experts at Online Assignment Services provided students with solutions to both assessment tasks after thorough research and analysis.


Task 1

For task 1, our PhD experts at OAS researched and conducted a thorough analysis of the research article: ‘Higher intensity exercise reduces disability more than lower intensity exercise in adults with chronic low back pain’. They provided a comprehensive summary of the article, based on the questions provided in the assessment.


Why was this study undertaken?

In question 1, our experts briefly explained the reason/necessity behind the undertaken research study.


Why was this study undertaken?


What were the aims or hypotheses?

Next, they provided the aims or hypotheses of the research concluded after its thorough analysis.


What were the aims or hypotheses?


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Who were the study participants, and do they match the population?

In this section, our experts explained who the study participants were and how did they match the population as per the requirements.


Who were the study participants, and do they match the population?


What was the study design?

This section by our experts demonstrated the design of the research study conducted and being undertaken by the student for reference.


What was the study design?


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What were the overall outcomes?

In this section, our academic experts explained the comprehensive outcomes of the research study being referred to.


What were the overall outcomes?


Were sufficient implications for clinical practice discussed?

This section of Task 1 explored whether sufficient implications for clinical practice were discussed or not.


Were sufficient implications for clinical practice discussed?


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Get help with your Article summary assignment for your nursing assignment courses with OAS.


What ethical considerations were addressed, and/or not addressed, in the article?

For this question of Task 1, our experts provided an account of the ethical considerations that were addressed and ethical considerations that were not addressed (if any) in the research article.


What ethical considerations were addressed, and/or not addressed, in the article?


Where does this study sit on a hierarchy of evidence?

This section of the nursing assignment helps provided a brief account of the hierarchy of evidence that the study employed.


Where does this study sit on a hierarchy of evidence?


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Task 2

For task 2, our PhD experts demonstrated the students’ knowledge on their use of evidence-based practice and sources such as databases, the internet, and the library, to find and retrieve high-quality evidence.

Below are a few steps our experts undertook and provided for the Article Retrieval task of this assessment.

It is important to note that these steps are only 50% of the solution, provided only for guidance purposes.


Step 1

Step 1


Step 2

Step 2


Step 3

Step 3


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