Computer organization - Online Assignment Services

Computer organization

Introduction 2
Differences between computer organization and computer architecture 2
Types of Register 2
Cache Memory and Register 3
RISC architecture over CISC architecture 3
Graphic Processing Units 4
Memory Allocation 4
Static Allocation 4
Dynamic allocation 4
Pointer 5
Parts of CPU 5
Processor 5
Motherboard 6
Memory 6
Graphic processing unit 6
Storage(Hard Disk) 6
Computer Fan 6
Case 7
Conclusion 7

Computer organization could be defined as the abstract model which denotes attributes like instruction sets and number of bits used for data which is visible to the programmer. This report depicts the user about different type of registers that has been used in the computers, basic difference between computer architecture and computer organization. Further, this report explains the user about basic, intermediate and advanced level of computer organization.
Differences between computer organization and computer architecture

Computer organization Computer architecture
It could be defined as the abstract model which represents many attributes like instruction sets, number of bits used for data. This is visible to the programmer It could be defined as realization of the architecture which means the manner in which features like registers, data paths, memory connections are implemented.

(I.C. RS 3947)

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