Importance of Personality In Recruitment and Selection - Online Assignment Services

Importance of Personality In Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection are two important functions in human resources. Though they are linked together, but they are distinct in functions. Recruitment means sourcing of candidates after identifying the need of the organisationto employsomeone by his application forms through online or offline at the organisation(Berman, et al., 2015). Selection is a process where the right applicant gets picked up for the right position in the organisation. Personality plays an important part in recruitment and selection process. During recruitment the recruiters assess the potentiality of the applicants to enrich their decision making(Purce, 2014). Low potential applicant is ignored. In workplace the attitude of a person shows what kind of personality he has. An intelligent, jovial and co-operative employee can enhance the productivity of the organisation while a depressed,frustrated and unhappy worker could stall the organisational progress. So while recruiting and selecting, the recruiter must test the personality of an applicant.
Theories on Personalities:
The discussionon the importance of personality in recruitment and selection processneed to be done from an organizational behaviour perspective. The theories of personality discussesthe concern of the managers within the organisation in relation to the personality of employees and the interrelationship between personality and job.
Personality is a blend of some abilities by which a person can be identified. Personality is a kind of role plays by a person in public. Every person have different kind of behaviour by which his or her personality can be demarcated(Storey, 2014). There are some theories by which a person’s personality can be clarified.

(I.C. RS 3362)

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