Impact of climatic change on the role played by the United Nations Organization - Online Assignment Services

Impact of climatic change on the role played by the United Nations Organization

Introduction and overview
The story of the human kind and how connected we are to the ecosystem has proven to be an unfolding experience obscured in mysterious occurrences. According to Winkler, Fecher, Mwakasonda and Davidson (2012), the effects of climatic change continue to signal danger to all aspects of human survival even regarding our security. Where we are headed regarding the environmental crisis is the most uncertain predicament any analyst would have no precise answer to. Climate change has continually manifested itself through various avenues which include rising temperatures, melting glaciers and increased the frequency of national calamities. The changing weather patterns have had huge drawbacks to food production, settlement and economic performance (Banuri, 2009). Massive casualties continue to mount as a result of climatic change and the reducing environmental sustainability causing widespread social panic and political tension. Social systems are slowly disintegrating as people fight for the existing resources in a bid to survive. This has led to increased insecurity all over the world, and since the United Nations has a huge obligation to manage the security in the world, their roles have constantly evolved owing to the new threat.

(I.C. RS 3414)

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