Falls Prevention in Australia
Rationale for Strategy
Globally, falls are considered to be a major public health problem with an estimated 37.3 million falls severe and about 424,000 fatal falls. Falls and fall related injuries can occur in a number of places and when one is involved in a range of activities including walking in public spaces. According to Bradley (2013), majority of the falls are in and around the homes as well as in supported aged care facilities in older population and for children and youth when engaging in sports as well as recreational activities.
According to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, falls prevention is one of the supporting quality practice strategy which is implemented by the commission with the focus of improving safety and quality for Australians. Other strategies include clinical communication, end of life care, mental health, medication safety, knee pain and information strategy among others (ACSQH, 2017). Fall prevention is a major health care issue particular when it comes to older population who are at a high risk as well as others in the population such as children and athletes. Developing and implementing a quality strategy is key in successfully eliminating falls in the community as well as in various health care facilities such as hospitals, homes for the elderly among others.
Overview of Falls Prevention Strategy
Falls are reported to be one of the largest causes of harm in health care and as a result they are a national safety and quality priority. ASQHC plays a major role in falls prevention whereby it assisted health services in reducing the number of falls and the resulting patient harm by undertaking a number of national initiatives.
(I.C. RS 3494)