Model of Advanced Nursing Practice: Banner Model - Online Assignment Services

Model of Advanced Nursing Practice: Banner Model


            According to Banning (2007), the nursing profession is often regarded as one of the most critical professions in the healthcare setting owing to the idea that nurses have a significant role in shaping the patient outcomes. Besides, the nurses offers understanding on the patient issues which promotes the chances of achieving the desired results as well as establishing therapeutic relationships the with client in order to achieve positive patient outcomes. As patient’s advocates and key contributors to the healthcare services, the nurses often adopt diverse models of care which also relates to their area of specialization and patient needs. Different models of advanced nurse practice or specialization are often considered based on the patient’s condition and expertise required. Banner’s model represents one of the key advanced nursing practice models which provide an opportunity for the nurses to incorporate clinical expertise and knowledge as well as evidence based approaches in responding to the patient needs (Benner, 1982). Benner’s model is based on skill acquisition and transfer of learning to enhance the chances of the students understanding the principles underlying different skills. The nursing model further influences clinical decision making through interplay of knowledge, explicit patient information, experiential learning and nursing care to promote positive patient outcomes (Benner, 1982). Benner’s model in clinical nursing practice is based on the acquisition of nursing skills based on five key stages such as novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and expert levels. The level influences the ability of the nurses to provide care to the patients as well as make clinical decisions and emphasizes on the positive role of skills in nursing practice. This report provides a critical analysis of Benner’s model of advanced nursing practice and existing literature finding….


(I.C. OAS 0115)

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