Literature Review: On the case of Aboriginal people with Dementia
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The global and technical expansion relate to the public health. Nowadays, there has been a vast upsurge in the mental illness treatment plans. One of the mental illnesses, Dementia is a major concern globally. Dementia is a persistent or chronic disorder of the mental process that is caused by brain disease or injury. A person suffering from dementia may have mental disorders, impaired reasoning, and changes in personality. The person faces difficulty in performing his daily tasks. Other common symptoms include a problem with language, emotional problems, a decrease in motivation. Dementia is a general term used to refer to decline in mental ability. It is not a particular disease. As stated by Smith et al. (2011), Aboriginal Australians have the occurrence of Dementia five folds greater than the Non-Aboriginal citizens do. Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia are some of the most common types of Dementia. It is also the responsibility of the people to adopt a basic knowledge about this ongoing research field, thereby, influencing awareness to the students, to perform research about the disease. In the given case study, Russell was affected with Alzheimer’s disease, in his late sixties.
(I.C. RS 1098)