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NURS3003: Inquiry for Evidence-Based Practice Critique Assignment Help


NURS3003 Inquiry for Evidence Based Practice Critique Assignment Help



NURS3003: This is an Inquiry for Evidence-based Practice critique assessment for NURS3003 in Curtin University for which the student is required to go through a particular article provided with the assignment file and critically analyze specific sections which are also highlighted in the task file itself. The assignment requires the student to discuss the strengths as well as weaknesses of the article in terms of the research process. 



The article selected for critique in the solution is “Application of cabbage leaves compared to gel packs for mothers with breast engorgement: Randomised controlled trial” published in the  International Journal of Nursing Studies (Wong, B.B., Chan, Y.H., Leow, M.Q.H., Lu, Y., Chong, Y.S., Koh, S.S.L., He, H.G., 2017). This is a quantitative article and our experts have provided an in-depth critique of the article. 


The solution critiques the following aspects of the research article- Design, Recruitment and Sampling, Data Collection and Analysis, and Ethical Considerations, and also provides a brief evaluation of the reliability and validity of the research. 




In this section, the research design of the article is critiques. Our experts have first summarised the design used in the study, followed by an assessment of how appropriate the chosen research design is in approaching the research question. 


The design used in the study is a randomized controlled three-group pre-test and repeated post-test study. The design used was appropriate since no studies have compared the effects of cold cabbage leaves and cold gel packs on breast engorgement (Wong et al., 2017, p.93). The strength of randomized control trial is that it ensures there is no bias affecting the selection of individuals for the control group. 


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Recruitment and Sampling


This section provides an analysis of the target group taken for the research by providing a detailed evaluation of the sampling strategy and recruitment process used by the researchers. Our experts have also remarked on whether the strategy is appropriate for the study. 


Mothers who have bread engorgement were selected after discharge from children’s and maternal hospitals that registered around 768 deliveries monthly. There was no imposed limitation for the parties. Wong et al, (2017, p.93) explains that the inclusion criteria were: mothers above 21 years; breastfeeding and developed breast engorgement fourteen days after delivery; ability to read understand and speak English; fulfilled five out of ten measures through the Infant Breastfeeding Assessment Tool, and display at least a score of five out of 10 through the breastfeeding assessment tool.


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Data Collection 


Our experts ensure that the critique of the data collection is done following its appropriateness for the research design. 


The data collected in the study are pain (nominal data), hardness of the breast, and body temperature (continuous data). The data collected was in line with the objective of the study, which strived to examine the effectiveness of cold cabbage leaves and cold gel packs application on pain, hardness, and temperature due to breast engorgement. The observation was used as the primary data collection method. The nurses trained the participants on how to assess their breasts before and after the intervention. The hardened breast was evaluated using Breast Engorgement Scale (Hassan et al., 2020, p.84), Numerical Rating Scale-pain for pain assessment, and using an oral thermometer to measure their temperature (Wizia & Susanti, 2021, p.14). 


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This section critically analyses the data analysis method used in the study. Keep reading to know how our experts have also highlighted the potential biases in the analysis process. 


All data analysis was performed using IDM SPSS Statistics compatible with Windows 23.0. This is an inclusive numerical software. Several complex numerical tests are present as built-in features. This makes it easy to perform complex statistical analysis and result interpretation is relatively easy and can handle large volumes of data (Leech, 2022, p.528). However, the software is expensive and has limited functionality (Kumar et al., 2018, p.277). The statistical significance was placed at p<0.05 (Thakar, 2020, p.37). The descriptive statistics of the mean (SD) were used in reporting normally-distributed statistical variables, the interquartile range was also presented and n(%) was used in labeling categorical variables (Mishra et al., 2019, p.297). 


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Ethical Considerations


The next section of the solution points out the ethical validity of the study. Our experts have used relevant examples of confidentiality, and consent to critically analyze the ethical standards of the study. 


Before conducting the study, ethics approval was acquired from the selected hospitals (Document ID: 0636-001) and validated by the University. (Wong et al., 2017, p.95) states the tenacity and content of the study were clarified to participants. They were notified of the voluntary nature of their participation and could exit the study at any time without any negative effects of care entitled to them. 


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Lastly, the research article is critically analyzed by our researchers based on its trustworthiness. The parameters used by our experts include reliability as well as validity. 


Reliability of data collection is ensured as data for pain, temperature, and hardness is collected at seven-time points, that is the baseline, 30-min, 1 Hour, and 2 hours after the first application, and 30-min, 1 hour, and 2 hours post-second application. This can develop a reliable trend, which can be obtained for comparative analysis between participants. Even though double-blinded methods may have been ideal for the randomized control trial, in this study it was not possible due to the nature of the interventions (Wong et al., 2017, p.94). 


This is only a snippet of the answer written by our expert. To know more, don’t hesitate to WhatsApp us at +447700174710.


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